What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponic is growing of plants / vegetables without soil and use nutrients A/B solution to provide the nutrients for plant’s growth.


 Hydroponics is the growth of plants/vegetables without soil and uses nutrients A/B solutions to provide the nutrients for vegetable growth. 

These farms can be small or large and can easily be grown inside the building and are perfect for most vegetables. The equipment required for Hydroponics gardening is not expensive and is relatively easy to manage.

Hydroponics – Farms

Firstly, Farms can be small or large and can be grown inside the building and are perfect for most vegetables. The equipment required for Hydroponics gardening is not expensive and is relatively easy to manage.

Hydroponics – Growth Methods

Secondly, The growing of plants without soils and use water with nutrients for growth. The normal home Hydroponics system is usually made up of a few basic things: a growing tray, light (natural or artificial), a reservoir, a water controlled pump for watering (or some type of watering equipment), and some form of air pump to give oxygen to the nutrients.

Even though there are hundreds of different variations, Wick, Water Culture, Ebb and Flow, Drip, N.F.T., and Aeroponic are the six most basic types of Hydroponics gardening systems.

Growth Medium

Thirdly, The growing medium used in Hydroponics gardening can be any number of things, such as Rockwool, perlite, coconut fiber, gravel, sand, vermiculite, or even air. 

You can get instructions from a gardening store or online or buy separate parts and build your own. There are also kits already assembled for sale in gardening supply stores.


Moreover, there are certain micro-nutrients that are necessary for healthy plant growth including magnesium, sulfur, calcium, cobalt, boron, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc. 

These nutrients are absolutely essential to plants. It is very important that you use quality nutrients when doing Hydroponics gardening.

Another important aspect is the pH balance. When the pH balance varies the plants will lose the ability to absorb nutrients that it needs. The ease with which the pH in Hydroponics gardening is tested and controlled gives it a huge advantage over regular dirt gardening.

Hydroponics gardening is easy, affordable, and you can have fresh produce, flowers, herbs & spices all year long

Features & Benefits

The Benefits of Consuming Hydroponic Vegetables - Eating Healthy Hydroponics Vegetables is virtually indistinguishable from those conventionally grown, but they also offer a number of advantage that add to their appeal. Equal in taste, visually quality Upper plant growth optimize. Reduce threat of pest, Disease increases Grower's control of growth.

Benefits 1

Hydroponic vegetables tastes as good as conventionally grown vegetables.


Benefits 2

Hydroponic vegetables tastes are more nutrictious than conventionally grown vegetables..

Benefits 3

Hydroponic vegetables are grown without use of pesticide so there is no threat of chemical in the vegetables.

Benefits 4

Hydroponic vegetables quality is better than conventionally grown vegetables and can lasts longer

About Us
Hydroponics Tower DFT 3

Alpa Business started with the idea of growing vegetables to be self sufficient, to be able to grow and pick your own vegetables as and when you want to eat it and get the fresh taste of vegetables.

Today, Our aim is to inspire more urban farmers to farm on limited land and have sustainable vegetables production with small land area and lower cost as compared to the traditional farming methods. 

We are passionate about providing the best modern agricultural systems and to share our experiences to all who wants to create ideal garden for themselves using hydroponic system. 

Let’s us help you in this quest to have your fresh vegetables and eat it as and when you want from your own farm. It is so satisfying when you can pick what you grown and harvest.